多少柔情多少淚 唱:唐 蕊
作詞:牛 雨 作曲:佚 名
多少柔情多少淚 往事如煙去不回
想起過去多少歡樂 如今已隨流水
多少柔情多少淚 良辰美景去不回
剩下一片迷離夢境 夢醒時更悲哀
多情的夢 愛情的夢 如今已消逝
愛情的花 愛情的花 如已枯萎
多少柔情多少淚 淚已流乾心已碎
長夜漫漫往事如煙 如今獨自沉醉
"Summer Kisses, Winter Tears"(夏之吻,冬之淚)
Summer kisses, winter tears
That was what she gave to me
Never thought I'd travel all alone
The trail of memories
Happy hours, lonely years
But I guess I can't complain
For I still recall the summer sun
Through all the winter rain
The fire of love, the fire of love
Can burn from afar
And nothing can light the dark of the night
Like a falling star